MiCA Crypto Alliance Terms & Conditions


1. Introduction
The MiCA Crypto Alliance ("Alliance") is established by the DLT Science Foundation ("DSF") to provide a collaborative network for token issuers, exchanges, and technical experts. This document outlines the Terms and Conditions that members (“Members”) agree to be bound by upon joining the Alliance. These terms are accepted upon membership registration and payment of the relevant fee. If DSF in its absolute discretion deems you not eligible for membership, it will not send a payment request and you will not be a member of the Alliance. The following documents are hereby included in these Terms and Conditions as if they were set out here in full:
Privacy Policy (Schedule 1)Cookie Policy (Schedule 2)

2. Membership Eligibility and Fees
Eligible Members:
Layer 1s and Layer 2s, Token issuers, exchanges and other relevant technical experts.Application Process: Interested parties must submit an application through the MiCA Crypto Alliance website, providing necessary credentials and agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.Subscription Fee: Members are required to pay an annual subscription fee as outlined on the MiCA Crypto Alliance website. The fee amount is subject to change and will be updated on the website.3. Membership ObligationsCompliance: Members must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including these Terms and Conditions.Participation: Members are expected to actively participate in Alliance activities.Confidentiality: Members must maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information shared within the Alliance.Logos: Members hereby grant DSF a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use your company name, logos and trademarks (together your "Logos") in DSF's marketing, promotional, and informational materials. The Logos may be used by DSF for the purpose of promoting and marketing the activities, events, and initiatives of the Alliance. This includes, but is not limited to, use in brochures, websites, social media, press releases, presentations, and other marketing collateral. This license shall remain in effect for as long as Members maintain membership of the Alliance.Ethics: Members must conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism, avoiding any conflicts of interest.4. Governance StructureSteering Committee: The Alliance will be governed by a Steering Committee composed of representatives from DSF and independent third parties appointed by DSF.Responsibilities: The Steering Committee will set the strategic direction of the Alliance, offer expert insight into the development of the tool and input on e-ballot questions to be asked of the Alliance members. Meetings: The Steering Committee will meet quarterly, with additional meetings as necessary.Governance Framework: for more information on governance of the Alliance, please see our Governance Framework.5. Decision-Making ProcessVoting Rights: Each Steering Committee member has one vote. In the event of a tie, the DSF Executive Secretary will have the casting vote.6. Code of ConductRespect and Inclusion: Members must treat each other with respect and foster an inclusive environment.Intellectual Property: Contributions to Alliance projects are considered open and may be used by other members, with proper attribution.7. Revocation of MembershipNon-Compliance: Membership may be revoked for failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions.Process: Revocation decisions will be made by DSF following a fair and transparent review process.8. Amendments to Terms and ConditionsAmendment Process: DSF reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions. Members will be notified of any changes, which will take effect 30 days after notification unless a member objects in writing.9. Liability and IndemnificationIndemnification: Members agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless DSF, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from their use of Alliance resources or participation in Alliance activities.Limitation of Liability: DSF is not responsible for any white papers produced by members of the Alliance. Membership does not guarantee the production of a compliant white paper. DSF's role is solely to provide directional guidance to the Steering Committee and to facilitate collaborative efforts within the Alliance.No Warranty on Tools and Outputs: Access to DSF tools, including any AI-driven white paper drafting tools, is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. DSF makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability of the tools or the outputs produced by them. Members use these tools at their own risk and are solely responsible for the outputs generated.10. TerminationVoluntary Termination: Members may terminate their membership at any time by providing written notice to DSF.Involuntary Termination: Membership may be terminated by DSF for non-compliance, unethical behavior, or other breaches of these Terms and Conditions.11. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising under this Agreement shall be to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. 12. Acceptance of TermsBy joining the MiCA White Paper Alliance, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the Schedules hereto.We hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions.

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